
This A3 Insights describes key elements of the Population Council’s work on the Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend initiative (SWEDD), which aims to reduce risks and promote opportunities for adolescent girls and young women. Subsequent posts will cover lessons…
Adolescents Evidence GIRL Center Girls Programming safe spaces sahel
For more insights on the launch of the A3, we asked Dr. Karen Austrian, Director of the GIRL Center, about her experience and perspectives on adolescent research and what the A3 can contribute. With 15 years of research experience with…
Action Adolescents Data Evidence GIRL Center Policy
Today, we sat down with Dr. Thoai Ngo, the creative force behind the A3. In this Q&A, he walks us through the A3’s guiding philosophy and why it’s so important for data to be publicly accessible to generate actionable insights.
Action Adolescents Data Evidence GIRL Center Policy